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Small step would be taking bus, not car

Editor: Re: Fraser ferry gets support, letter to the editor, Sept. 14 I agree with Shirley MacNutt when she says, "Small steps can create large solutions.


Re: Fraser ferry gets support, letter to the editor, Sept. 14

I agree with Shirley MacNutt when she says, "Small steps can create large solutions." However, I question if a ferry across the Fraser River would be well utilized and such an implementation would be expensive.

One small step people could take now is a bus. Tsawwassen residents have the choice of several direct services to Bridgeport station during rush hour.

Of course, the 601 bus runs all day and is the only option for Tsawwassen residents on weekends. I agree the commute on 601 to and from Tsawwassen is long, but it's a time to catch up on reading or sudoku - or even sleeping.

On my trip to Vancouver last Thursday, I caught the last morning 602 bus at 9 a.m. at the South Delta Recreation Centre. I was at Canada Line in less than 25 minutes, and at my destination of the Vancouver Art Gallery before 10 a.m. I couldn't have driven and parked in this time.

If more people opted for taking a bus, and more organized car pools, there would be less congestion at the George Massey Tunnel. Perhaps the time has come for people to rethink how they get around.

I note that Elder College Delta is offering a presentation for seniors (55+) to learn how to use the integrated bus/Canada Line system. Many are still intimidated by the changes that were made in 2010 so this is a good offering.

Jean Wightman