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Smokers should pollute their own spaces

Editor: Although I have great respect for the Century Group in Tsawwassen, I have a complaint. Every time I visit the Town Centre Mall, I smell strong smoke, to which I and a lot of people are allergic.

Editor: Although I have great respect for the Century Group in Tsawwassen, I have a complaint. Every time I visit the Town Centre Mall, I smell strong smoke, to which I and a lot of people are allergic.

There are people standing outside of the lottery store near the Royal Bank puffing away. There are many signs that say "No Smoking in this Area," but I learned from the Century

Group they are allowed to do so some distance away. Well, they are never some distance away because there is a convenient ledge in that area to sit on.

Recently I commented on them smoking so close to the entrance and they told me to go away with the famous four-letter word as one of the "gentlemen" butted his cigarette on the building and lit up again. These men were in their 60s to 70s.

This is unhealthy for us to breathe in and I resent the fact that a habit that causes death and expense to our nation takes priority because these people would rather ignore the fact the signs are present.

Smoking disturbs people and makes them sick and uncomfortable. I think smokers should stay home and pollute their own space instead of areas where commerce takes place.

Carol Pinkerton