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Southlands plan is bad for the community

Editor: Re: Southlands plan is good for the community, letter to the editor, June 15 Well, I disagree with his comments. I think the Southlands plan is bad for community.


Re: Southlands plan is good for the community, letter to the editor, June 15

Well, I disagree with his comments. I think the Southlands plan is bad for community.

Yes, a few cottage-style homes will be built to appeal to those who think these are the majority of units being built but that is not the case. The majority of units that will make up the 950 units will be comprised of row houses, mews houses and townhouses.

These units are destined to be built alongside Boundary Bay Road, an ugly site to see each day.

If I seldom visited the Boundary Bay area, then this might not have been a big issue. However, I agree with the majority of people who live in Boundary Bay and elsewhere, the Southlands should remain agriculture.

There are many reasons from loss of farmland and wildlife disruption through the Pacific Flyway to enormous traffic congestion in the future.

Victor Souliere