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Southlands situation widely watched

Editor: Re: OK to Southlands would pave the way for others, letter to the editor, July 8 Brilliant letter from Mr. Malim! Southlands goes to the "new urbanism" and the pressure on all the farmlands will be intensified.


Re: OK to Southlands would pave the way for others, letter to the editor, July 8

Brilliant letter from Mr. Malim! Southlands goes to the "new urbanism" and the pressure on all the farmlands will be intensified. We must face the fact that the goal of the speculators like Century Group and others is to attack and destroy the concept of keeping farmland safe from urban sprawl. New or old. The Southlands outcome is being watched throughout the Fraser Valley. Similar battles are being fought from Delta to Hope. Thank you Mr. Malim for your letter. And we must heed your advice: letters to council, attendance at meetings and to speak up, if we hope to protect and preserve our farmland.