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Steveston Hwy. work won't fix problem

Editor: Re: Longer lane to turn into parking lot, Murphy's Law, Nov.

Editor: Re: Longer lane to turn into parking lot, Murphy's Law, Nov. 20 Methinks Ted Murphy has perhaps not experienced the sheer terrifying danger of entering the tunnel in the right hand lane at 80 km/h, descending into the dark depths only to realize that all the traffic in front of you has suddenly stopped dead. (This despite the traffic in

the left lane continues at 80 km/h.) This is not uncommon, and is not associated with rush hours, but happens at many different times of the day, and perhaps also at night.

This is due entirely to the sluggishness of Steveston highway westbound when traffic volume exceeds the capability of the several traffic lights to safely move vehicles and prevent the Highway 99 exit queue from dangerously extending down into the darkness.

The Ministry of Transportation and the City of Richmond, while being fully aware of the problem for years, have failed to solve it, and this latest venture won't solve it either. Publicize that frequently and in long, tall letters.

Tom Griffing