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Swim in Boundary Bay brings back fond memories of youth

You know what really matters right now - sunshine! We had some landlubbers in town over the past week and the weather co-operated nicely so we could freely eat corn on the cob on the deck while staying dry and avoiding sweaters.

You know what really matters right now - sunshine!

We had some landlubbers in town over the past week and the weather co-operated nicely so we could freely eat corn on the cob on the deck while staying dry and avoiding sweaters.

The timing could not have been any better to show off the great little event we call "Sunfest" and to take some timely strolls on the beach.

On Monday night, after dinner, I tried to rally the troops for a trip to the beach for a swim on what turned out to be beautifully calm and warm evening. I am an admitted tide watcher and I knew the timing was perfect when I saw that we would be bang on for a nice warm swim on a high tide.

The only takers were my brotherin-law Roy and, of course Luna the springer. When you say "beach" or "fishies" or "swim" to Luna, that little stub tail goes ballistic. I am sure it could generate enough wags per minute to power my house.

Around the corner of 12th Avenue and onto Boundary Bay Road, Luna starts to yelp. It's the same every time. She knows where we are going and can literally smell it.

I feel like a kid again as I arrive at my usual spot wearing just my trunks with a towel over the shoulder.

Luna is already in the water as Roy and I walk to the tideline. "Looks cold," says Roy.

"You will be amazed," I exclaimed as I dove right in. He was, after he gingerly walked in past the all-important equator region.

The approaching dusk saw crystal clear skies and close to glass ocean calm. We floated around on our backs discussing the pros and cons of oceans versus lakes and mountains verses prairies. While we deliberated, Luna would swim in our midst constantly looking for anything with fins.

We could hear the laughter down the shore of young children floating around in their life jackets with lots of good beach toys. Moms and dads were packing up picnic dinners and there were lingering aromas of barbecued delicacies wafting amidst the intoxicatingly warm ocean breeze.

Mount Baker was at its best reflecting the coming sunset from its lingering winter white peaks.

The wonderful sensory experience of a great summer night can do much for one's state of mind. Each observation seems to welcome fond memories of youth. These experiences are as heartwarming as they are medicinal.

I recall picnics and beach days with my family at Spanish Banks and on the Sunshine Coast, and countless beautiful nights at Tribune Bay on Hornby Island and Pilot Bay on Gabriola.

I really enjoyed sitting in the "Jacuzzi" with my young daughter right here in Tsawwassen. It is a spot about 500 metres out on a low tide where a natural grade has created a pool which becomes very bubbly indeed when the tide rushes in or out. I look forward to sitting there with my grandchildren.

Make sure you get out to the beach to get your internal memory slideshow going this summer. You will be glad you did.