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Talk to the candidates directly

Editor: In the follow-up to the recent local election, much was said about the difficulty newcomers had in getting noticed.


In the follow-up to the recent local election, much was said about the difficulty newcomers had in getting noticed. Further, comments were made about the candidates all saying similar things about where they stood or not covering certain issues.

I agree with all these and have a suggestion for candidates and voters next time around.

I had concerns that were not being addressed in the candidates' public statements, so I talked to them - as many as I could.

I quite readily found the telephone numbers of five of the candidates for Delta council. Three answered directly and two called me back. All seemed happy to talk to me and all answered the questions I put to them and listened to my position.

Try as I might, I could not find telephone numbers for the other candidates.

The information I obtained regarding my concerns and the candidates' availability was hugely significant in my voting decisions.

I suggest that future candidates make themselves available for direct questioning by individuals (group forums and debates are good, but are limited in their scope and accessibility) and that voters approach them directly.

Howard Solverson