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Teacher standing up for his players is the real hero

Editor: In my view the term "hero" is used far too loosely, particularly around this city where it's usually applied to a 20-something multi-millionaire who slaps a piece of rubber on a slab of ice.


In my view the term "hero" is used far too loosely, particularly around this city where it's usually applied to a 20-something multi-millionaire who slaps a piece of rubber on a slab of ice.

I happen to be a parent of a Grade 12 student who plays for Stephen Burns on the South Delta Secondary senior girls soccer team (and has done so since she was in Grade 8).

For the past five years she has looked forward to playing for her school as a senior in what will be her last season of soccer.

I can't begin to describe the positive impact that playing high school soccer has had on her.

The friendships and memories she has developed will last her for years to come.

Thanks to the character and integrity of men like Burns she can continue to experience those positives for the last few months of her graduating year. Now that's a hero.

Derek M. Nordin