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Thank 'Occupy' protesters for standing up for middle class

Editor: There are those who think the "Occupy Vancouver" protesters are a bunch of nobodies looking for a cause. That is easy to believe if you don't know or really care about what is happening in the real world.


There are those who think the "Occupy Vancouver" protesters are a bunch of nobodies looking for a cause.

That is easy to believe if you don't know or really care about what is happening in the real world.

The gap between the rich and the middle class is widening and the protesters on the sit-in are the ones that are pointing out that is the hard working middle class that are getting poorer.

The monied elite think they are brilliant. They think they are so brilliant they can industrialize the best farmland in Canada that happens to be in Delta on the most important migratory bird flyway in North America and somehow it won't do any permanent damage.

Oh, yes, and don't let us forget the Fraser River and its estuary.

If you haven't received our MLA Vicki Huntington's report, look it up on her website and see the real world as it is unfolding in the board rooms of Vancouver.

Then go down to the protest camp and say thank you for caring about me.

Ken Atkey