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Thanks to youth for a helping hand

Editor: A special thanks to a young man who helped our guest who was visit from Holland. On Thursday afternoon (June 14) on 55th Street in Tsawwassen, he saw an elderly man fall and injure himself.


A special thanks to a young man who helped our guest who was visit from Holland.

On Thursday afternoon (June 14) on 55th Street in Tsawwassen, he saw an elderly man fall and injure himself. He called 911 and stayed with the man (Arnold) until help arrived.

I would like him to know that Arnold is fine after being checked out at Delta Hospital.

He ended up with quite a few cuts to the head and some bruises.

In all the excitement, no one thought to ask the young man's name or to thank him.

I hope the young man, or his parents, read this and please accept our thanks.

Margreet Preston M&M Bed and Breakfast