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Those outside of Tsawwassen can hold Southlands opinion

Editor: Re: Concern yourself with Ladner issues, letter to the editor, June 26, 2013 Peter White, who apparently lives in what he seems to consider a gated community by the name of Tsawwassen, would be well advised to look around himself when he crit


Re: Concern yourself with Ladner issues, letter to the editor, June 26, 2013 Peter White, who apparently lives in what he seems to consider a gated community by the name of Tsawwassen, would be well advised to look around himself when he criticizes a letter writer who lives in Ladner for expressing her support for the proposed Century Group Southlands development.

The last time I checked (and checking is necessary from time to time), Ladner was part of Delta. So is, I am told, Tsawwassen, although there is reportedly a separatist faction resident in the sunny south that harbours different ideas - on a lot of fronts.

If White really did understand wherefore he comments in his critique of Joyce Schmidt's well-founded expression of support for the Century Group's remarkable initiative, he would be aware that the world extends beyond the end of your nose. He needs to travel outside his imaginary gates.

Thank you, Schmidt, for publicly expressing your support for a project that the community (Delta, actually; not Tsawwassen) would have to be on the verge of losing all of its marbles to refuse. Piffle to you, White, for your remarkably uninformed words.

I live in North Delta, by the way. Turn right at 56th Street and Highway 17 and just keep goin'...

Firth Bateman