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Too many risks to move forward with incinerator

Editor: After watching the horrendous flooding in Alberta, I hope both the Tsawwassen First Nation and Metro Vancouver reconsider any plans they have to establish a garbage burning facility on TFN land.


After watching the horrendous flooding in Alberta, I hope both the Tsawwassen First Nation and Metro Vancouver reconsider any plans they have to establish a garbage burning facility on TFN land.

They are situated on a flood plain and we are assured ocean water levels are rising, making it even more subject to flooding.

This in addition to being on an earthquake fault line, which makes it even more crucial this facility is not built there.

Just imagine in the case of one or both emergency events what poisons would be released in the surrounding water. Not only garbage waiting to be processed, but the toxic ash in the incinerators that would spill into the water.

Air pollution from burning before then will blow across Delta and out the valley. Trucks spewing exhaust and garbage will also fill our roadways.

Anyone who has followed one of those trucks out of the Vancouver depot on the way to the Interior knows of what I speak.

Foresight is better than remedial action after the fact. Please, all parties, think before progressing with this project.

Phyllis Ruthven