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Traffic light will do just fine

Editor: I enjoy reading the letters to the editor to understand and feel the concerns of my fellow residents. I am a born and raised member of this small town, and have been proud to say I've seen all the changes over the years.


I enjoy reading the letters to the editor to understand and feel the concerns of my fellow residents. I am a born and raised member of this small town, and have been proud to say I've seen all the changes over the years.

I remember the wooden boardwalk through "old Ladner" where you saw the occasional horse tied to the handrail and the singlescreen movie theatre. I remember the single-track roadway leaving our "downtown core" named Trunk Road to bring us to the main artery of Highway 17.

Over the years more people discovered our gem of a town and moved here to also enjoy the quiet. It's a great place to bring up kids and we all understand that changes must take place to accommodate the population changes.

After reading last week about the standstill on Highway 17, and the inability to re-route traffic off the highway, it refreshed my thoughts of the prior week's article with respect to the intersection of Arthur Drive and Ladner Trunk Road.

Delta council and civic staff are looking at a roundabout for this busy intersection to aid in the continuous flow of traffic and reduce vehicle idle time at stoplights. I've traveled in Europe and have driven roundabouts, and have even encountered a number of them here, so I don't think this is a great solution.

What are these people thinking? We need to tear a page from the U.S. roadbuilding book and have a look at how to keep the traffic flowing.

Not to get off track here, but this week I drove Highway 91 to the Alex Fraser Bridge. It still irks me every time I have to stop at the light at 72nd Avenue, which could easily be resolved with an overpass. This is on a highway, where traffic should be in full flow.

Getting back to Arthur Drive and Trunk Road, I think the traffic light there does the job, and a minor improvement of a turning lane where the KFC once stood, would be beneficial to keep the people moving.

Let's try to remember we need to improve to move ahead, and sometimes the answers aren't that difficult.

Norm Janssen