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Trees could shelter us from port noise, dust

Editor: Deltaport expansion has raised a number of concerns for residents over the last few years and continues to do so.


Deltaport expansion has raised a number of concerns for residents over the last few years and continues to do so.

While I recognize the economic value of the port, it seems it is doing the minimum to alleviate future impacts to Ladner and Tsawwassen residents. Even now, before the huge projected increases in rail and truck traffic, noise levels have increased to residents and continue 24 hours a day.

The federal environmental study done concerning noise from the rail and truck traffic suggested absolutely nothing be done concerning noise. Oh, excuse me, they will provide a phone number for complaints.

I notice trees are being installed along the edge of the South Fraser Perimeter Road in remote areas (e.g. where the road passes Burns Bog), yet there is nothing being done to provide some sort of similar noise barrier from 72nd Street to the port, which is adjacent to where most of us live.

If the federal government can contribute $20 million to an overpass, is it not appropriate to expend a small amount more to provide a buffer of trees along the sides of the rail and truck routes?

If planted now, such a barrier could grow to shelter us from future noise and dust emissions from the rail and truck traffic as well as providing a more palatable view of our community.

I hope that our representative, Kerry-Lynne Findlay, could take on this task and help the community as well as industry.

Cecil Dunn