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Tsawwassen doesn't want Ferndale's problems

Editor: I would like to voice my strong opposition to the proposed relocation of the KRPI radio transmitter towers from Ferndale, Wash., to a location along the border in Point Roberts.

Editor: I would like to voice my strong opposition to the proposed relocation of the KRPI radio transmitter towers from Ferndale, Wash., to a location along the border in Point Roberts.

KRPI is relocating in light of continuing interference problems and to relieve Ferndale residents of the problems the current location has caused. Regrettably, this move will simply relocate these same problems to the significantly larger community of Tsawwassen.

The background interference coming through phones, TVs, stereos and Internet is well documented in Ferndale and will be experienced here in Tsawwassen. There is the potential of devaluation of homes and, most importantly, there are health concerns surrounding radio towers. Who wants or deserves this? Locating five large AM tower transmitters so close

to a residential community is absurd. These towers should be in a rural area. This is the absolutely wrong location for these towers.

These towers will affect all residents of Tsawwassen, not just the homes along the border. The majority of residents of Point Roberts are opposed to the towers being built in their community and they are mounting opposition. We need to quickly join in with our neighbours to the south and bring our large Tsawwassen numbers to bear.

The time to act is now.

Please write to MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay, federal Industry Minister James Moore and Mayor Lois Jackson. If our residents stand up and say no to these towers, there is a chance to stop them.

David Bowyer