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Tsawwassenites have been far from lazy when it comes to Southlands proposals

Editor:Re: Lazy public deserves to pay Southlands bill, letter to the editor, Feb. 28 The letter from Karel Ley needs correction. It suggests the public is lazy, but that's not true.

Editor:Re: Lazy public deserves to pay Southlands bill, letter to the editor, Feb. 28 The letter from Karel Ley needs correction. It suggests the public is lazy, but that's not true.

Public participation goes back to 1989 when a plebiscite was held and more people responded than voted in the previous municipal election. More recently, the Ipsos Reid mail-in poll of 2010 had more responses than the earlier election.

This year, thousands responded in writing before and during the public hearing, all saying "no." There were so many people appearing the mayor closed down the public hearing with over 50 people yet to be heard.

Century Group has been resolute for more than two decades about developing the farmland despite the opposition. It has come forward with great plans on the wrong site.

As for Century giving up 80 per cent of the property, let's be clear that it got what it wanted: 900-plus housing sites along with a substantial commercial area.

In "giving" the land to Delta, Century relieves itself of continued maintenance of it. That's a smart developer!

Ian D. Robertson