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Tsawwassenites should have louder voice

Editor: Re: Concern yourself with Ladner issues, letter to the editor, June 26 I fully support Peter White's remarks on "outsiders" showing support for developing the Southlands as I'm sure most of us living in Tsawwassen do.


Re: Concern yourself with Ladner issues, letter to the editor, June 26

I fully support Peter White's remarks on "outsiders" showing support for developing the Southlands as I'm sure most of us living in Tsawwassen do.

I felt Bateman's remarks to White's response to Schmidt's Southlands pro development comments to be rather rude and insulting but he did have one good thought. Make Tsawwassen a gated community. By doing so we can perhaps set up our own council with our own zoning rules so we don't have to contend with outsiders and nonresident politicians who clearly have no interest in what happens to Tsawwassen.

Bateman's quote, "The last time I checked, Ladner is still part of Delta." Well, the last time I checked, Delta is still part of Canada but I don't feel I should get to publicly support a development in Twillingate, Newfoundland.

R. Smith