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Uncommonly decent police show compassion over holiday season

Editor: As someone who is often in an adversarial relationship with police, I think it is well past time the people of Delta saw the other side of our police department and its chief, Jim Cessford.


As someone who is often in an adversarial relationship with police, I think it is well past time the people of Delta saw the other side of our police department and its chief, Jim Cessford.

This past Christmas and New Year's I worked as part of a team under the Surrey Bail Project where bail hearings are held over the long holiday weekends so the courts weren't overloaded with new people in custody to deal with.

On the east side of Scott Road we had our usual 10 or so drunks, drug-addicted prostitutes and substance abusers out past curfew every day. On the west side we got one in eight days. One person was detained the police had to have a justice of the peace release.

The reason for that is not because there aren't any drunks or curfew breachers in Delta. The reason is that it was the holiday season and Delta police cut people a break.

There is no invisible shield that runs down the centre of Scott Road. Sure, the Delta Police Department had to arrest people, but it took them someplace safe to sleep it off. It didn't cuff them and pepper spray them.

The Delta police are, for the most, part an uncommonly decent, common sense bunch, including the jailers, telephone operators and beat cops. And what goes around comes around.

They did put one of my clients in an awkward situation and then charge him with assault. But that will be sorted out in time.

In the meantime, to the uncommonly decent cop who runs this force, Happy New Year, Chief Cessford.

Good work.

G. Garry MacDonald Barrister & Solicitor