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Unions becoming increasingly irrelevant

Editor: If I understand the bunkum of the union bosses correctly, all non-union employers are villains. I work in a non-union company and I receive a comparable wage and benefits. I have nothing to complain about.

Editor: If I understand the bunkum of the union bosses correctly, all non-union employers are villains. I work in a non-union company and I receive a comparable wage and benefits. I have nothing to complain about. I pay enough taxes and I don't want another parasite skimming my cheque.

Labour Day should celebrate people, not increasingly irrelevant unions led by intransigent demagogues who manipulate their members, abuse their money and seek publicity for personal aggrandizement. I wonder when each columnist actually last did an honest day of manual labour before they became full-time agitators? What exactly have unions accomplished recently, aside from contributing to the bankruptcy of Detroit? Practically nothing. Every recent labour dispute results in a continuation of the status quo - and a pittance of a pay raise - which seems pointless.

In the abundant society we live in, I fail to comprehend the primordial hostility of unions. After all they have gained, they are still angry.

Notice how none of the columnists make any practical policy solutions to attract and keep industry in Canada? Instead, they complain about the cost of living.

Well, acceding to unreasonable demands by public service unions do contribute to higher taxes. Ultimately, each of us must decide our own fiscal and social priorities upon which we either succeed or fail in life. The government cannot decide that for us.

Steven Austin