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Valid reason for loud motorcycle exhausts

Editor: Re: Obnoxious bikers disturb peace quiet for others, letter to the editor, June 20 While I am sure the Prius-driving wine crowd must find motorcycle exhaust terribly disturbing when taking in their morning rituals, I strongly suggest that the

Editor: Re: Obnoxious bikers disturb peace quiet for others, letter to the editor, June 20 While I am sure the Prius-driving wine crowd must find motorcycle exhaust terribly disturbing when taking in their morning rituals, I strongly suggest that they pause in their insult for a second and consider that motorcycles have exhaust which are by default louder than that of a car for a very valid reason. Car drivers routinely prove themselves time and time again to be so self absorbed in their cellphones, in car

entertainment systems, coffee cups and of course, who can forget children in the back seat, that they are very often blind to the motorcycles around them on the road.

It is for this reason that most motorcyclists choose a motorcycle with an exhaust note that asks for the attention of the automobile drivers around them.

Just like not all drivers are good and courteous drivers, not all motorcyclists are rude and discourteous.

Be a little tolerant and open-minded. Instead of getting angry or annoyed the next time a motorcycle's loud pipes interrupt your quiet for a few seconds, stop and think about the safety of the rider and be glad he or she is alive and well.

In other words, don't think only of yourself!

Scott Greene