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Victoria is the one using its strong voice

Editor: Re: Guichon seeking Liberal nod, July 22 I note with interest the recent announcement from Kelly Guichon, who stated her intention of running for the Liberal party in the next provincial election.


Re: Guichon seeking Liberal nod, July 22

I note with interest the recent announcement from Kelly Guichon, who stated her intention of running for the Liberal party in the next provincial election.

In particular, I note her comment: "We need a strong voice, that being part of a bigger team would benefit the community."

That all sounds nice, but one has to only look back to the power lines scandal and find that it was the (Liberal) MLA who was giving a strong voice to Victoria when that all happened.

It was also under that strong leadership the government decided not to use our locally produced plan for the South Fraser Perimeter Road, but one of its own. As a result, many more acres of productive farmland are gone forever.

And finally, it was the same government that cut services at our local pride and joy, Delta Hospital.

Yes, Delta does need a strong voice in Victoria, but, being part of either party doesn't necessarily work. Too often, it's Victoria using its strong voice to tell Delta what's good for it.

Our current situation is showing that a strong voice can be made in Victoria, without the hindrance of current two-party system.