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'Viewer mail' shows some people need to lighten up

Everyone who writes a newspaper column receives the odd angry letter, or two. Rarely are those letters responded to, as it's just not advisable to engage critics. People have their opinions, and that's that.

Everyone who writes a newspaper column receives the odd angry letter, or two. Rarely are those letters responded to, as it's just not advisable to engage critics. People have their opinions, and that's that.

However, once in a while I receive a letter that, while bitterly critical, is so poignantly expressive and well crafted it demands mention. I recently received such a letter in response to my column about cyclists. It was written by Ed W., and came to me by way of an email. Here's the complete (albeit sanitized) transcription: F@#k Dan Southard.

While, at first blush, they may just seem like three simple words, you have to appreciate the direct, concise and unpretentious beauty of Ed's letter. While more verbose writers may feel the need to construct long-winded rants designed to demonstrate their literary skills, Ed managed to capture it all in three words.

Obviously, Ed is a cyclist on the move who recognizes that others also lead busy lives and don't have time to read lengthy diatribes. Very considerate of him. A skilled scribe and a gentleman, what more can you ask for? My only worry is that Ed's letter was intended to be read in a breathy Marilyn Monroe-esque voice, possibly followed by a licking of the lips.

I received so many other wonderful letters about the cyclist column, I'm going to make this a full blown "viewer mail" column.

In one letter to the editor, Bart M. pointed out that cyclists wear tight Lycra outfits to reduce wind resistance. Now, that I can understand. It's for a similar reason that I always shave my entire body before going for a casual swim at the leisure centre. Of course, afterward I wear the Speedo to Safeway to do a little shopping, as well.

Laura T. wrote that my inferior writing skills left her unable to discern the subject matter of my column. I think that's what her letter was about... that, or the poor condition of the roads on Westham Island. I'm not entirely sure.

Many of the letters I received included an invitation for me to go for a ride so I can discover the wondrous joys of cycling. Trust me, I've ridden a bicycle before. Cycling was a big part of my life for many years. Then I turned 16 and bought a car.

Some letters were intended to educate me, but all I learned is that people need to lighten up. Also, that a few cyclists appear to be taking their cues from extremist groups who are viciously intolerant of criticism or satire. Good thing my column didn't include any disrespectful depictions of Lance Armstrong, or who knows what might have happened.

It's time people step back and ask themselves if they really want to live in a world where anyone who doesn't share their views is vilified and/or forcibly silenced. There's already enough hostility in the world. No need for you to add more over something no rightthinking person could possibly take seriously.