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Walk signal not long enough

Editor: For many years the crossing at View Crescent and 56th street was part of my dog-walking route to get from View Crescent Park to Highland Park.


For many years the crossing at View Crescent and 56th street was part of my dog-walking route to get from View Crescent Park to Highland Park.

It was a dangerous route as the pedestrian walk signal did not stay on long enough for me to get to the centre of the intersection and I walk quickly; any driver arriving to turn left onto 56th Street after the few seconds that the walk signal was on would be annoyed as they assumed I was crossing on the wait signal. They showed their irritation and annoyance by turning very close behind me at one time brushing the back of my coat.

I eventually called the Corporation of Delta traffic engineers to notify them that they had to increase the time of the walk signal.

To my astonishment I was then given a verbal lesson on how to cross a street safely!

I can't imagine how it would be for anyone elderly coming from any of the apartment condominiums on View Crescent. If they managed four steps before the walk signal changed, I would be surprised. The traffic engineers are to be blamed for this elderly person being struck.

Jackie Sterling