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We're not meant to live in floodplain

Doug Reynolds - Editor: The Southlands proposal to build housing on peninsula, floodplain Boundary Bay land is alarmingly reckless and irresponsible.

Doug Reynolds - Editor: The Southlands proposal to build housing on peninsula, floodplain Boundary Bay land is alarmingly reckless and irresponsible.


Do we really believe that building higher walls, bigger dikes, deeper ditches and larger pumping stations to hold back the waters - in areas where nature never intends us to live - is a solution? Is the Southlands developer going to continue to operate in denial when his proposal is specifically


requesting yet another pumping station for Boundary Bay and an intricate web of drainage? In addition, Century Group's continual stream of marketing materials trying to "sell" us this project via multiple advertisements, sly brochures, roadside signs, show home, fake mall garden and PR events are truly insulting and now merely communicate developer desperation to muchenlightened Deltans.


B. Yaworski


Doug Reynolds