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With services not being rendered, property taxpayers should consider going to court

Editor: Re: School taxes withheld as services not provided, letter to the editor, Sept. 3 Kudos to Vytas Vaitkus on taking a stand for withholding his taxes for the portion paid towards education.


Re: School taxes withheld as services not provided, letter to the editor, Sept. 3

Kudos to Vytas Vaitkus on taking a stand for withholding his taxes for the portion paid towards education.

I find it hard to believe the provincial government wants to pay $40 per child to parents for the inconvenience of having kids out of school. If there is any money to be doled out, it should be to property tax owners who pay for the school system in the first place, regardless of whether they have children in school or not.

It could be suggested that a class action lawsuit by property taxpayers would eliminate any and all in savings to the government during this labour dispute. If you pay for something, you should get it.

There might be substantial merit in taking this to a higher level and making sure that money talks for everyone involved, especially those who pay for the education system.

Carol Miles