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Youngster says to leave snowy owls alone

Editor: We went to the dike and we read a sign that said the snowy owls there cannot be chased or they could get hurt. A bunch of men were out where they were not supposed to be and they were chasing the owls.


We went to the dike and we read a sign that said the snowy owls there cannot be chased or they could get hurt.

A bunch of men were out where they were not supposed to be and they were chasing the owls.

One of the men went up close to an owl and scared it. The same man went up close to another owl and went right in front of it and they were breaking the rules.

I think that was not very good. I think next time they come to the dike they should not be out there chasing the owls. Maybe they should read the sign better and follow the rules.

Haylee Holmes Grade 1 Student Sacred Heart School