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Ingrid Abbott

Ingrid Abbott

Ingrid Abbott is a broadcaster and writer who has loved living in South Delta for the past 11 years.

With a political science degree from UBC and a BCIT broadcasting diploma, Ingrid has enjoyed an extensive radio and television career, most recently at Delta TV.

Ingrid's interest in politics, social issues, and the human condition guide her opinions on the social fabric of where we live.

Community Comment provides an outlet to write about what matters to her. Whether it’s discarded dog poop or world affairs, she considers it a privilege.

Recent Work by Ingrid

Community Comment: Delta’s new housing action plan divides us

Community Comment: Delta’s new housing action plan divides us

The next generation has to see a future in our community, or we will suffer greatly
Community Comment: Local government needs to get its house in order

Community Comment: Local government needs to get its house in order

No one likes to get kicked in the sandbox, so play fair, dust yourself off and get on with it.
Community Comment: Watching the playoffs isn’t always just about hockey

Community Comment: Watching the playoffs isn’t always just about hockey

We all need to have our voices heard, but fear mongering and hyperbole does not serve us well as we work towards a harmonious future for our community.
Community Comment: Scammers lurk in the shadows of buying and selling

Community Comment: Scammers lurk in the shadows of buying and selling

Educate yourself and check the source. It’s your best defence.
Community Comment: Temporary lane control system yet another headache in tunnel fiasco

Community Comment: Temporary lane control system yet another headache in tunnel fiasco

One might conclude that there will be no new tunnel in the near future because all I see is upgrades to the existing tunnel.
Community Comment: The future of new housing in Delta just got serious

Community Comment: The future of new housing in Delta just got serious

I believe this is a necessary transformation that will bring our beautiful community together to build a bright future for our children and their children.
Community Comment: Valentines Day a time to reflect on love

Community Comment: Valentines Day a time to reflect on love

Whether you choose to celebrate Valentines Day or not remember love is to be cherished and not to be taken for granted.
Community Comment: We may have survived Coldzilla, but are we prepared for what’s coming next?

Community Comment: We may have survived Coldzilla, but are we prepared for what’s coming next?

I used to be worried about an earthquake, now weather is the new variable on a planet that is heating up way too fast
Community Comment: Dr. Tomorrow was right, the future is already here

Community Comment: Dr. Tomorrow was right, the future is already here

As we sit with our bubbles on new years eve, let’s be like Frank Ogden…celebrate the virtues of new technology, knowing that despite its rapidity there is beauty in an advancing world and a way to live in it with peace and grace. 
Community Comment: The homeless are living amongst us but we just can’t see them

Community Comment: The homeless are living amongst us but we just can’t see them

In the spirit of the holiday season helping those who need a hand is the most satisfying gift of all.
More work by Ingrid >