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CounterAttack is underway

Extra eyes are now out on the roads looking for impaired drivers as the summer CounterAttack road checks began over the Canada Day long weekend.

Extra eyes are now out on the roads looking for impaired drivers as the summer CounterAttack road checks began over the Canada Day long weekend.

From now until the end of August, extra enforcement will be set up throughout Delta as police step up their efforts to ensure roads are safe for everyone.

Delta police public affairs coordinator Sharlene Brooks said several 90-day roadside suspensions were issued over the Canada Day long weekend.

"We did see some drinking and driving, but we managed to get those people off of the roadways through this enhanced enforcement," said Brooks. "Increased police roadblocks and road checks will be visible for sure throughout the summer."

According to ICBC, each year in B.C., 66 people die in crashes involving impaired driving and nearly half of those deaths happen during the summer.