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Delta allowing U-turns at select intersections

The new traffic signals with permitted U-turns have necessitated an amendment to city’s highways bylaw
The first phase of an upgrade project on 72 Avenue, which sees over 28,000 vehicles daily, has been completed. The second phase was to have begun in 2023, according to the city, but that work has not commenced.

Delta council recently approved a required amendment to the city’s highways bylaws to authorize U-turns at intersections where specifically permitted by a traffic control device. 

A report by the engineering department notes the city will be utilizing U-turns on several streets including 72 Avenue and 120 Street because of recent projects where raised centre medians were installed to address road safety considerations.

The U-turn movements at key signalized intersections are to provide the needed accessibility along the corridor.

The works included the first phase of the 72 Avenue Roadway Improvements Project, which has new traffic signals including a designated signalized U-turn at Westview Drive.

Costing close to $6 million, the first phase of the project between Westview Drive and 115 Street also consisted of the relocation of the curb, gutter and sidewalks as well as new street lighting, drainage improvements and a concrete median island along the centre of the avenue to create four lanes for part of the roadway.

Yet to commence, the next phase will eventually see improvements from 115 Street to Scott Road.

The project was co-funded by TransLink as part of their Major Road Network Improvement Program and is also co-funded by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC).