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Delta throwback: A theme for Ladner Village

Business owners considered coming up with a design for Ladner
ladner village 1969
A late 1960s image of Ladner Village.

“Now is the time to develop a theme of what we want Ladner to look like in the future”.

That’s what Ralph Bouwman told fellow members of the Ladner Business Association at a meeting in February of 1976.

Bouwman said he feels Ladner should have something to identify it as a separate entity, different from any place else.

He suggested a continuity of construction for the front facades of business buildings or some design to provide cohesiveness.

“We should have something basic in mind what we want for Ladner,” he said.

Delta Chamber of Commerce president John Friesen agreed, noting Kimberly, B.C. as an example of a town effectively displaying one theme.

It was suggested that Delta administer Mike Allen speak with the association and provide ideas for a theme.

Alderman Tony Schmand said ideas should all go to the new Urban Renewal Action Committee, which formed during that time, instead of multiple people wanting to carry out their own plans.

The committee was described as “the vehicle we should use to get this thing on the road.”