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Dog enjoys trip in DPD cruiser

A puppy had a doggone good time with a Delta police officer last week in North Delta after its owner was rushed to hospital with a medical emergency.
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A puppy had a doggone good time with a Delta police officer recently after its owner was rushed to hospital with a medical emergency while the two were out for a walk along Scott Road in North Delta. Optimist file photo

A puppy had a doggone good time with a Delta police officer last week in North Delta after its owner was rushed to hospital with a medical emergency.

DPD were called to the 7000 block of 120th Street in North Delta just before 10 p.m. on Friday night, Jan. 15. Police were requested for assistance when a man was out walking his dog, but required an immediate trip to the hospital, resulting in the puppy not having a place to go.

“The puppy was at first cautious and unsure about going inside the police vehicle, however, police ensured him that he was a good boi and was going to be taken home, not to jail,” said DPD. “Once inside, the puppy was delighted with the amount of leg room the police vehicles have and was happy to look outside the window, while listening to some good tunes throughout transit. Once at his home the puppy was greeted by his owners’ friend who would take good care of him for the time being. The puppy was very grateful for the assistance and thanked the police with an affectionate wag of his tail.”