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Driver caught speeding in rented Lamborghini

A young driver from California received an introduction to Canadian traffic laws this week he probably won't soon forget.

A young driver from California received an introduction to Canadian traffic laws this week he probably won't soon forget.

On Wednesday afternoon, the 20-yearold driver of a rented Lamborghini Huracan was pulled over by Delta police for excessive speeding as he was travelling at 155 km/h on Highway 99.

"Regardless of the type of vehicle you drive, going that speed is unsafe and illegal," said Delta police on its Facebook page. "The driver learned this lesson the hard way as he watched the vehicle get loaded up onto a tow truck."

According to police, after being issued a ticket for excessive speed ($368), the driver caught a ride with Roadway Towing to the impound lot where the vehicle will stay for the next several days.

The daily rental fees are approximately $1,000 per day (USD) and still have to be paid as do the storage fees at the impound lot.