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Throwback: Big marina pitched for Tsawwassen

The facility would have accommodated 500 boats and would also have had the ability to enlarge
proposed tsawwassen marina 1963
The marina would have been built on the south side of the Tsawwassen ferry slip and the beach at the foot of English Bluff. The promoters said it would have given more access and improved beaches to the public.

Let’s head back to June of 1963 when a concept proposal was presented to council for a major new marina for 500 vessels, a hotel, service station, 400-car parking lot, yacht club and several retail stores for land on the south side of the Tsawwassen ferry causeway.

Also occupying part of what was known as the Tsawwassen Indian Reserve, the proposal by Shoreline Holdings Ltd. would have included a yacht clubhouse that would have had a large banquet room, coffee shop, lounge, sleeping facility and other amenities.

The buildings would have been in an “Indian theme in keeping with their surroundings.”

Shoreline Holdings Ltd. had been granted a lease of the property by Indian Affairs for 20 years with an option to renew it, council was informed.

At the time, it was suggested the marina would also solve the problem of the lack of public access to Tsawwassen Beach from English Bluff Road.

The proposal died on the vine and never made it to council as an application for consideration.