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Traffic calming, permit parking approved for Boundary Bay neighbourhood

The permit parking program is to also continue annually between May 1 and September 8 on weekends and statutory holidays
boundary bay parking
A staff report notes many of the survey respondents not in favour of the overall traffic calming plan indicated that they were only opposed to the speed humps component while still in support of the other traffic calming components.

The majority of residents who responded to a recent city survey supported a proposed traffic calming plan for Boundary Bay.

Council last week approved a recommendation to proceed with the implementation of the plan based on the survey results.

Boundary Bay Regional Park has seen a big influx of visitors during sunny weekends and holidays.

The Centennial Beach location has seen a significant jump in park users, from 923,000 visitors in 2019 to nearly 1.4 million in 2020, a 40 percent increase. More than 400,000 people came to the park in July and August 2020 alone.

In past summers, parking lots at Centennial Beach exceed capacity, resulting in spillover traffic entering the Boundary Bay neighbourhood.

Results from public consultation earlier this year indicated general support for additional traffic calming measures in the neighbourhood.

Staff were then directed to proceed with developing a detailed traffic calming plan and conducting further consultation on that detailed plan, which occurred last month.

In addition to the traffic calming initiatives, this summer's Boundary Bay permit parking program was successful in reducing the amount of traffic and parking complaints from area residents, a report to council notes.

The permit parking program was in effect on weekends and holidays from May 1 until Sept. 8.

Bylaw staff were actively enforcing it over the summer.

Staff recommend that the permit parking program continue.