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Enrollment drop not quite as large as anticipated

The enrollment decline at Delta's public schools is not as bad as projected.

Keeping tunnel open duplicates maintenance costs

Editor: Re: Bridge set to replace tube, Sept.

Help always there

Recently Cathy and I drove to Mt Baker. The drive up the mountain became a metaphor for life's journey. Never having been on that road, each mile on that long, beautiful, breathtaking, winding road was new. There were dangerous hairpin curves.

Questions about Southlands plan

Editor: As time draws close to the public discussion of the Southlands, I have a few questions that raise interest. What is "affordable housing?" The Vancouver Sun mentioned affordable housing for Metro Vancouver at over $800,000.
Bay boardwalk closed after pair of failures

Bay boardwalk closed after pair of failures

Metro Vancouver undertaking full replacement

It's tough to pack when suitcases already gone

I can understand how iPods go missing, along with socks and jewelry and keys. They're small, small enough to remain hidden beneath a bed or a car seat, in the depths of a purse or beneath the cushions of a sofa.

There are many here in Tsaw. who enjoy the rain

Editor: Re: Don't fall for change of season, Murphy's Law, Sept. 13 I hope you have your running shoes handy because I think you are in danger of having a posse after you. How dare you criticize our rainforest.

Log accumulation not part of natural habitat in Boundary Bay

Editor: Re: Logs not the problem at Bay, letter to the editor, Sept. 18 Letter writer Judy Latoski admits to being "somewhat confused" with respect to the Boundary Bay shoreline rehabilitation project.
Bridge set to replace tube

Bridge set to replace tube

Doug Massey starts petition to maintain tunnel that's named after his late father

What do you think of a new bridge?

I think it's great. I think it'll ease congestion and we'll be able to get out of town. I remember reading that article and I thought all it's going to do is increase the traffic. The traffic is bad enough as it is.