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Keeping watch

An adult Canada goose keeps a watchful eye on the goslings as they take an afternoon nap near the pond at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen.

Wellbrook celebrates summer

Annual festival returning to local winery next Sunday

Pro recognized for playing an amazing 201 holes - and raising $7,400 - in annual ALS golfathon

Cory Rudston-Brown (left) received a certificate of appreciation from Wendy Toyer, director of ALS Society of B.C. last Thursday at the Beach Grove Golf Club.

Photo club shares its art with KinVillage residents

Tsaw.-based group donates 14 framed photographs

DSS students take top spots in civic heritage contest

Aaron Meier of Delta Secondary in Ladner is the recipient of the 2012 Heritage Commission Scholarship in the amount of $750.

Gallery set up in garden

The Delta Arts Council's 15th annual Gallery in the Garden is set to take place Sunday at Wellbrook Winery.

Delta raises fire danger rating to moderate

Summer has finally arrived in the Lower Mainland and after the recent stretch of warm, dry weather, Delta raised its fire danger rating this week. On Wednesday, the rating was raised to moderate.

Book gets second chance

Tsawwassen marine author Peter Vassilopoulos has helped a late North Delta author's book see widespread publication.

Burns Bog society back in court

A Federal Court justice in Vancouver this week reserved judgment in a lawsuit filed by the Burns Bog Conservation society regarding the South Fraser Perimeter Road.

Pt. Roberts Garden Tour returns

The Point Roberts Garden Club will showcase nine unique gardens in the 12th Point Roberts Garden Tour this Sunday. The self-guided tour will take place between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and includes tea and home baked goods from 1 to 4 p.m.