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Trees planted at Ladner school ruin neighbour’s view

Plantings part of city’s reforestation program
The City of Delta recently planted trees on the grounds of Holly Elementary in East Ladner.

East Ladner resident David Dillon has lost his view — through no fault of his own.

Dillon use to be able to look out of his kitchen window and see Mt. Baker and a beautiful skyline. Now he can’t after the City of Delta planted several trees along the grounds of Holly Elementary.

“The trees are at least 20 feet, but there is no distance between the trees and there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to the way they have been planted,” said Dillon. “Yes, they can plant trees, but I just don’t think this was the right area. Kids play right in this area. I think it is a safety issue. Down the road these trees are going to be big.”

Dillon takes issue with the fact that not only has his view been taken away, but that no consultation was done with any of the area residents.

“All of a sudden I have three trees directly in view of my backyard,” he said. “I’m sure the trees could have been planted somewhere else. Sure, I know that it is the city’s property, but a normal citizen can’t build a house without getting plans and approvals, so what gives them the right to just go ahead and just plant the trees?”

According to the Delta School District, it has partnered with the City of Delta in a cooperative tree replacement program.

“Under the agreement, the City of Delta has been given the right to plant selected numbers and species of trees in agreed areas consistent with the city’s desire to enhance tree canopy in Delta,” said school district communications and marketing director Jen Hill. “There is no cost to the school district as the project is fully funded from monies collected by the city and held in a tree replacement fund.”

Acting Delta CAO Steven Lan said Delta is trying to get more trees planted across the city.

“We have heard clearly from the community that we have lost some trees, especially in part to some of the re-development that has been occurring, so we are looking at replacing the trees,” said Lan.

“Through our urban reforestation program we have been finding sites across the municipality, including park sites and school district sites. We have five viable locations that we have worked out with the school district and we will work with them to plant the trees there and increase the canopy across Delta.”

Lan said the trees are being planted under a contract with a one-year maintenance plan.

He said he could not speak to the issue of lack of consultation.

“Certainly we have had a great deal of discussions with the school district and looked at the best possible sites,” Lan said. “We will reach out to this individual and see what his specific concerns are and address them.”