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Everyone entitled to a coffee in East Ladner

Editor: Re: Coffee shop not needed in East Ladner, letter to the editor, March 3 So, according to L.


Re: Coffee shop not needed in East Ladner, letter to the editor, March 3

So, according to L. Mathews, as the more recent resident of our neighbourhood, if I want to go out for coffee within walking distance of my house, then I only have two options: “(I) need to buy (a house) in West Ladner” or “(I am) welcome to come by (his/her) house and (he/she) will make (me) one any time.”  How neighbourly!

Or “if (I) want a job within walking distance (of my house)”, then I also have two options: “the Co-op and cold beer and wine store are always hiring.” What a great suggestion! I never would have thought of that myself!

So who made Mathews the King/Queen of East Ladner? As a resident of East Ladner and a Canadian citizen, with the freedom of speech and mobility rights, I would like to have more options than that.

I am sure that my elderly relatives, who have lived in East Ladner for the same amount of time as has Mathews, would also like the option of walking to a coffee shop within their immediate neighbourhood. They may not have their driver’s licences for much longer, and do not want to rely on other people to drive them to West Ladner, Tsawwassen or North Delta for a coffee and a donut.

The suggestion made by Mathews that a coffee shop is not needed is East Ladner because he/she does not want it here, sounds a lot like, ”Let them eat cake.”

As for the invitation to come over for a coffee: thanks, but no thanks. If he/she knew me any better, then he/she would know that I drink tea, not coffee. With a little honey. No artificial sweetener is required.

A. Cameron