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Is it too late for peace, love and good government in the world?

Hello, fellow Deltans. I am very pleased to come aboard as a Community Comment contributor, replacing the multi-talented Corry Anderson-Fennell. I've been pondering how I might introduce myself in this first column.

Hello, fellow Deltans. I am very pleased to come aboard as a Community Comment contributor, replacing the multi-talented Corry Anderson-Fennell.

I've been pondering how I might introduce myself in this first column. I have a fridge chock full of quotable magnets made by my artist friend, Eileen Mosca, who is a regular at the Ladner Village Market. I get to choose a new magnet every time I spell her off for a lunch break at the market. I can see these quotes will be lovely springboards for future columns. This particular magnet she claims to have made especially for me, which is amusing because it's someone else's perception of who I am. One of my favourite writers, E.B. White, said it first: "I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."

Oh so true, E.B. My glass is usually half full, I try not to sweat the small stuff and I do enjoy a good time. Changing the world every day is proving more difficult than I thought so I will be asking for your assistance in this regard. "Together, We

Can!" and all that. Did I mention I'm an old hippie?

"Old" is the operative word. I'm pushing 70, or rather it's pulling me. I am somewhat dumbstruck by this ominous number as in my mind and heart I feel half that age. My body doth protest, however, and continues to try to act its real age.

It's becoming more demanding in wanting to be treated like a temple as opposed to Ecclesiastes' philosophy to "eat, drink and be merry." Never mind, it's an ongoing argument between my mind and body and so far ne'er the twain shall meet.

What, you might ask, do I want to change? Globally, I seek peace, love and good government. I know, I know, that's almost laughable in today's world, but I can still seek it.

When it comes down to planet or profit, I choose planet and promote living smaller by consuming less. Locally, I want to see more affordable housing, especially for young people and seniors, and more attention paid to quality of life for people as opposed to cars and industry.

Generally, I want us to be kinder to each other. It's simple really, it's the Golden Rule.

Here's to getting to know each other, hearing how you would change the world (at least in Delta) and hopefully sharing a few laughs as we stumble forward through this ever-interesting and changing obstacle course called life.

ML stands for Mary-Lynn, but I prefer ML. Mary-Lynn has too many syllables.