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Play is helping to erase hate

Editor: We made a bold decision last spring to bring The Laramie Project to the Tsawwassen Arts Centre. We had several comments regarding the content and if Tsawwassen was "ready" for this kind of theatre. Our answer has been a resounding yes.

Editor: We made a bold decision last spring to bring The Laramie Project to the Tsawwassen Arts Centre. We had several comments regarding the content and if Tsawwassen was "ready" for this kind of theatre.

Our answer has been a resounding yes. We opened to a record attendance and sold out the first Saturday performance by the end of Friday evening.

We are very pleased with the positive reaction we have received from our patrons and are grateful this community has truly embraced our quest in erasing hate.

The third and final week of The Laramie Project begins tomorrow evening.

There are still some tickets available. Call 604-288-2415.

Carroll Lefebvre

President Sidekick Players Club