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Stupid pranks have consequences

Editor: As reported in the South Delta Crime Beat, some delinquents were throwing eggs at pedestrians on Ladner Trunk Road on the night of Feb. 16 shortly after 11: 30 p.m. (not Feb. 17 at 2 a.m. as reported).


As reported in the South Delta Crime Beat, some delinquents were throwing eggs at pedestrians on Ladner Trunk Road on the night of Feb. 16 shortly after 11: 30 p.m. (not Feb. 17 at 2 a.m. as reported).

These pedestrians had kindly stopped to assist my elderly parents after a bottle of red sauce had been thrown through their van window from an apartment building overlooking the 5400-block of Ladner Trunk Road as they were driving.

The bottle shattered the rear passenger van window, thankfully missing the front windows or my parents could have been badly injured. This could also have caused a serious accident.

I am also very thankful that my children were not in their car seats in the back of the van as the car seats were covered in glass and red sauce.

These are pensioners who were stuck paying a $300 deductible they really couldn't afford. These delinquents need to know their silly pranks can have serious consequences.

After the kind young witnesses walked away, a car drove by and threw eggs at them - lots of eggs.

at them - lots of eggs. I see they were located and denied throwing the sauce bottle at the van, even though eggs had been thrown from the same apartment earlier. Lots of eggs going around.

I read that they were escorted home to their parents. I wonder if the parents were presented with a cleaning bill for the mess they made of the poor girl's clothes.

And if said parents happen to live in an apartment building overlooking Ladner Trunk Road, perhaps they need to have a little chat with their kid(s). K. Cole