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Don't be swayed by all the hype

Editor: I have just received a beautiful, glossy, coloured brochure attempting to convince me that paving over farmland and building houses is the answer to Tsawwassen's prayers.

Editor: I have just received a beautiful, glossy, coloured brochure attempting to convince me that paving over farmland and building houses is the answer to Tsawwassen's prayers. This is in addition to the twopage coloured ad recently in our local paper and numerous coloured ads in every issue.

I guess seeing pictures of youngsters and oldsters cycling off into the sunset is an attempt to see how wonderful life will be when 1,000 cars from this vehicle-dependent community hit 56th Street.

Perhaps Century Group is telling us a bike will be our only option, but please tell the high priced ad men hired to put helmets on the cyclist models.

If those against the proposed development by Century Group had a minute percentage of the advertising money spent by the company to get the zoning changed, a much more balanced approach, pro or con, would be available to us all.

I hope and pray our elected representatives are not taken in by the glitz and hype of Century's ads. The Southlands was bought as agricultural land and should remain as such.

Robert Smith