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Letters: Many lack the knowledge about MAiD

I note that you are obliging in printing readers' letters that agree with you view vis-a-vis MAiD and Delta Hospice Society's Irene Thomas Hospice facility.
delta hospice update


I note that you are obliging in printing readers' letters that agree with you view vis-a-vis MAiD and Delta Hospice Society's Irene Thomas Hospice facility.

It is clear that this issue has placed a heavy burden on this community in that the issue of euthanasia has become front and centre, yet based on various points of view as expressed in certain letters, a majority of residents of this city are unaware that homicide and/or assisted suicide are not included in the definition of palliative care, which is what the Irene Thomas Hospice facility was and is designed for.

The most prominent argument put forward by several letter writers is that Delta Hospice Society has denied MAiD service at Irene Thomas Hospice and as a consequence, has denied MAiD service to all in the community who wish to pursue that avenue, yet, one letter writer points out that Delta Hospital is available where MAiD is available. By so writing that person destroys their comment and the comments of others who claim that DHS is denying MAiD to Delta. 

I note, also, that one letter writer took a resident of this community to task for certain comments he used in his letter such as the word 'ignorant.' Ignorant is a good word as it describes rather succinctly what was stated in the letter, to wit: “lacking in knowledge or awareness.”

Unfortunately, ignorant people have failed to learn the definition of this word in that they are ‘lacking in knowledge.’

As proof of the above, the letter writer's use of the Latin word 'sic,' incorrectly, is further evidence that the true meaning of the word 'ignorance' exists. For those who are unaware of the meaning of sic, it means, simply, 'thus', 'so', 'as such,' or 'in such a manner.' It is used when writing quoted material to indicate that an incorrect or unusual spelling, phrase, punctuation, or meaning in the quote has be reproduced verbatim from the original and is not a transcription error.' I saw no error in the words “an ignorant.”

Bob Orrick