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Dredging up some money

Dredging up some money

There are happy rumblings that a deal may be close on the funds to dredge Ladner's secondary channels.
Council must respect the wishes of the majority

Council must respect the wishes of the majority

Editor: One hopes the democratic process in Delta will be convincingly demonstrated when Delta council considers the Southlands development application on Dec. 17.
Size does matter hits home in Movember to remember

Size does matter hits home in Movember to remember

I was sitting next to local realtor Jim Burnett at a Rotary meeting a week ago and he was looking more hirsute than usual. He was growing a moustache as part of Movember.
There's no easy way to bargain

There's no easy way to bargain

From the be-careful-what-you-wish-for file comes the not so smooth negotiations Delta is experiencing with its unionized workforce.
Delta Agricultural Society funded farming luncheon

Delta Agricultural Society funded farming luncheon

Editor: Re: Farmers have seen much change, Nov. 2 On behalf of the East Delta Hall Committee, I would like to thank you for the excellent article on the old-timers agricultural luncheon.
Coal port move frees up space

Coal port move frees up space

Editor: Here's an idea: two birds with one stone! Problem is, one bird has a long-term, renewable contract.
Greenhouses are preferred over houses on Southlands

Greenhouses are preferred over houses on Southlands

Editor: There has been much discussion lately on the legality of what Century Group can do with the Southlands when it is hopefully kept agricultural.
Musician sees great deal of benefit to be gained from elementary program

Musician sees great deal of benefit to be gained from elementary program

Editor: Re: Costs not music to parents' ears, Nov. 7 It is impossible for me to overstate how much I disagree with Robin Cook-Bondy's comments about the mandatory Grade 6/7 music program started this year.
New citizen has ties to Southlands opposition group

New citizen has ties to Southlands opposition group

Editor: Re: New citizen exercises right, letter to the editor, Nov.
Roberts Bank not protected like Fraser River

Roberts Bank not protected like Fraser River

Editor: It would appear Terminal 2 proponents are trying to pit farmland preservationist against Fraser River estuary preservationists over the issue of the placement of the intermodal yard where they unload containers from trains.