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Extending SkyTrain best option for replacing tunnel

Extending SkyTrain best option for replacing tunnel

Editor: In regards to the George Massey tunnel upgrade or replacement options. I cannot believe that the number one option would not be to extend the SkyTrain from the Brighouse station to the Ladner bus loop. Better yet extend the line to the B.C.
One tunnel replacement option has been on the table for almost 10 years

One tunnel replacement option has been on the table for almost 10 years

Editor: It was with the sense of deja vu, that I attended "Tunnel Spiel" Saturday, March 16 in Tsawwassen.
Coal should not be shipped through Delta

Coal should not be shipped through Delta

Editor: It would appear that Jeff Scott, president and CEO of the Fraser Surrey Docks LP, is determined to increase shipments at the Fraser Surrey Docks regardless of the consequences to the health of the people living along the route or the damages
Seniors' advocate reality doesn't live up to vision

Seniors' advocate reality doesn't live up to vision

Gov't has been lobbied to establish an independent office to represent interests of senior citizens
Spending can leave legacy

Spending can leave legacy

Should we desire Paterson Park to stay as a park, and I believe the vast majority do, then there's really only one logical buyer. Unfortunately, that buyer doesn't seem all that interested.
Budget shows Ottawa is still addicted to crony capitalism

Budget shows Ottawa is still addicted to crony capitalism

The federal Tories are addicted to picking corporate welfare winners and losers. If there was one theme in the recent federal budget, it was how chock full it was with new corporate welfare.
Vision for tunnel lacks dimension

Vision for tunnel lacks dimension

Editor: Re: Nice to see the tunnel not dead yet, Murphy's Law, March 15 The Phase 2 Tunnel Replacement consultation was a respectful and civilized inquiry, full of insights about key aspects of the project ... from the audience members, that is.
Councillor McDonald takes Tour de Tunnel time trial

Councillor McDonald takes Tour de Tunnel time trial

In my last column before a short break, I penned an article around tunnel congestion, calling for a "Tour de Tunnel time trial.
Viable vision needed for change

Viable vision needed for change

Vision won't become reality if it's not viable. This rather simple equation seems to be throwing planning efforts in this town for a loop, leading to a whole lot of status quo as well as much griping about the stagnation of South Delta.
Tunnel consultation not an exclusive venture

Tunnel consultation not an exclusive venture

Re: Back off tunnel replacement rhetoric, March 15, letter to the editor What on Earth does a letter like that you printed in your Friday, March 15 newspaper from Peter Duffey, contribute to any discussion about "tunnel replacement" or repair? The le