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Traffic lights, not drive-thrus, are real culprits for wasteful idling

Traffic lights, not drive-thrus, are real culprits for wasteful idling

Editor: Re: 'Springs' requires drive-thru to attract high-end coffee house, Feb. 1 I would like to weigh in on the idling debate.
Revised plan is improvement over original one

Revised plan is improvement over original one

Editor: This letter is directed to the nots and the maybe nots. I attended last Thursday's information meeting on the Marina Gardens development. It was well attended with standing room only for around 200 people.
Tough to hold back change

Tough to hold back change

Is it realistic to expect things not to change? OK, so that's a bit of a rhetorical question, but the notion of change, or perhaps more accurately, the effort to resist it, has been a familiar, to say nothing of controversial, theme in these parts in
Chief's local support doesn't extend to housing prisoners

Chief's local support doesn't extend to housing prisoners

I read the recent statements by Delta police Chief Jim Cessford regarding regional policing models with an overwhelming sense of irony.
Nazi references not appropriate

Nazi references not appropriate

Editor: Re: It's time to exact some revenge on the light police, Living Matters, Jan.
Bay resident proud to be a NIMBY

Bay resident proud to be a NIMBY

Editor: I commend residents of Marina Garden Estates for standing their ground and fighting for what they believe in, just like I am doing for Boundary Bay in the fight against unwanted development that would destroy their/our quality of life.
Delta should begin efforts to bring a casino to town

Delta should begin efforts to bring a casino to town

Editor: Now that Surrey has rejected the proposed casino, but the B.C.
Regionalized policing deserves long look in Delta

Regionalized policing deserves long look in Delta

Editor: I am trying to "come to grips" with the discussion that has been continuing for some time (years, actually!), but that has recently, with the release of Wally Oppal's "Pickton" report, achieved a higher profile - the issue of a regionalized p
Delta libraries well utilized

Delta libraries well utilized

Editor: I hope that by now Coun. Ian Paton has paid a visit to his local library.
Don't let port destroy our environment

Don't let port destroy our environment

Editor: Port Metro Vancouver is not satisfied with destroying the fish environment at Roberts Bank by not bridging the causeway to allow for the natural flow of tides and currents at the mouth of the Fraser River estuary.