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Murderer must stay behind bars

Murderer must stay behind bars

Editor: For the love of heaven someone please tell me how someone can bludgeon to death an innocent 15-yearold girl, with an iron pipe, in broad daylight, without provocation, and be eligible for parole in only 10 years? This is assuming the assailan
Plenty of pioneers after which to name a new crossing

Plenty of pioneers after which to name a new crossing

Editor: I would like to voice my support for a new crossing of the Fraser River to replace the dark and aging George Massey Tunnel.
Sink some teeth into the issue and ban backyard breeders

Sink some teeth into the issue and ban backyard breeders

Every day on my way to work, I pass an alarming sign on the road: "Red-nose pit bull puppies for sale." The uneven letters are scrawled in black felt on a crooked cardboard sign that gets more and more weathered each day.
Highways shouldn't have lights

Highways shouldn't have lights

It doesn't seem to matter how many times we do it, we still don't learn from our past mistakes.
Kindness of neighbours could solve Delta's problems

Kindness of neighbours could solve Delta's problems

Editor: We seem addicted to angst. We incessantly agonize over feared negative outcomes rather than proactively engineer solutions to avoid them. The threat of Deltaport's Terminal 2 expansion will torment us for at least a decade ... if we let it.
Our ever-changing technology can be a double-edged sword

Our ever-changing technology can be a double-edged sword

Some people love it and some people hate it. Others just go with the flow as best they can. No matter what you think about technology, it has a major affect on your life.
Southlands showdown on horizon

Southlands showdown on horizon

Call it what you like - due diligence or a prelude to Let's Make a Deal - but it's clear those over at municipal hall are getting their ducks in a row in advance of a possible Southlands showdown next year.
Plenty of information, but not time

Plenty of information, but not time

Editor: Re: Public shortchanged when it comes to public hearings, Community Comment, Oct. 12 After reading Ian Robertson's column I went to the Corporation of Delta's website. I found reams of pages of documents pertaining to Southlands.
At least it can be used as heat source

At least it can be used as heat source

Editor: Based on the amount of coal dust that accumulates on my boat at Point Roberts Marina, people buying houses in the new development on TFN lands should be able to heat their homes very inexpensively. Keith Paremain
Questions still abound on Southlands proposal

Questions still abound on Southlands proposal

Editor: Here are some Southlands questions that need to be asked and answered: Please tell me why, when Century Group first claimed the land was not farmable, it now says it's farmable, and it will give a lot of it to Delta so Delta could sublet it t