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Do not look Southlands gift horse in the mouth

Do not look Southlands gift horse in the mouth

I cannot believe the misrepresentation of the Southlands opponents. Sean Hodgins doesn't want to build greenhouses on his property but might well be forced to in order to make the land viable.
Farmland activists should like it

Farmland activists should like it

Do containers really threaten our blueberries? I doubt it. I attended a Terminal 2 consultation session. Here is what I think I learned: Their design seems conceptual; in some aspects non-existent.
Look north for election victory

Look north for election victory

Why would a Tsawwassenite run in Delta North when we're having a perfectly good provincial election here in Delta South at the same time? I posed that rather rhetorical question earlier this week to Sylvia Bishop, the first-term municipal councillor
Conscious decision made not to include Roberts Bank

Conscious decision made not to include Roberts Bank

Editor: Re: Feds didn't refuse to Roberts Bank to Ramsar, letter to the editor, Oct.
Malls more than just a concept

Malls more than just a concept

Did a part of you wonder whether the mega malls proposed by the Tsawwassen First Nation would ever become a reality? The malls are so large, and so unlike anything else in South Delta's commercial sectors, that the idea of building almost two million
Bridge alone won't be the answer

Bridge alone won't be the answer

Editor: Re: Plenty of pioneers after which to name a new crossing, letter to the editor, Oct. 24 Another motor vehicle crossing in itself is not the answer. We must design it in keeping with some form of rapid transit and high-speed rail.
Enough land in town centre to accommodate housing needs

Enough land in town centre to accommodate housing needs

The advertised public meeting on the Southlands took place last Thursday. I was out of town so I asked a few people that attended what they thought. Their reaction could be summarized: .
Legacy has no part in debate over Southlands

Legacy has no part in debate over Southlands

Editor: I swear, some people in Tsawwassen must live under rocks and only crawl out every once in a while when they think they can slither back again after they've finished their morning hunt.
Ban owners that use pit bulls as a macho status symbol

Ban owners that use pit bulls as a macho status symbol

Editor: Re: Sink some teeth into the issue and ban backyard breeders, Community Comment, Oct. 24 Instead of banning backyard pit bull breeders, perhaps it's time to "ban" owners for whom pit bulls have become a macho status symbol. E.W. Bopp
No worries about GM crops

No worries about GM crops

Editor: Re: Not all breakfasts created equal, Well on Your Way, Oct. 19 Canadians have access to one of the safest and most abundant food supplies in the world and the columnist was wrong to raise concerns about GM foods.