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Ward pushes limit in his MX2

Ward pushes limit in his MX2

72-year-old pilot has found the perfect aircraft for his .high energy flying'

Sound of clothes washer isn't music to their ears

It happened again last week. The husband retrieved his shorts from the wash, only to discover that his iPod had taken a dunk. Poor thing didn't make it, despite valiant efforts by the husband to resuscitate it with towels and a blow dryer.

Pilots poised to put on show

Spectators to be wowed by stunts in skies above boundary bay airport saturday

Artist puts on retrospective

Ladner artist Michael Abraham will have a retrospective exhibit with over two decades of his work on display this summer at the Evergreen Cultural Centre in Coquitlam.
Exploring Alaska's primeval wilderness

Exploring Alaska's primeval wilderness

Service recognized

Curt Jantzen (left) was honoured with a Long-Term Contribution Award at a Delta council meeting last month. Coun.

Guild mixes oil and water again

10th annual art competition begins next week at tsaw. longhouse gallery

Marketing strategy

Have you discovered "online shopping" yet? I am amazed at the ways in which I am enticed to "buy, buy, and buy some more!" Not long ago, one of the marketing ploys was to give away free stuff - and the more you bought, the more free stuff you could h

Puttering can help get things done with little effort

Aquiet walk around the garden doesn't have to be long or energetic, but done frequently with a thoughtful eye it can blend relaxation therapy with creative dreams and casual troubleshooting of problems that are just starting.

Way too much stuff to consider downsizing

It has occurred to me that the husband and I will never be able to downsize - or not for some time, anyway.