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School trustees to vote on academies at public meeting

School trustees to vote on academies at public meeting

Editor: Re: Three more academies planned, Jan. 27 Public schools in Delta benefit greatly from publicity that appears in local newspapers, but I wish to correct an impression created by a recent story.
TFN better served by a more incremental approach

TFN better served by a more incremental approach

Editor: The Indian Act is a detestable law.
Rookie councillor quick to respond

Rookie councillor quick to respond

Editor: I recently joined aqua fitness at Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre and found the exercise is beneficial for my health.
Let's hope cash louder than words

Let's hope cash louder than words

Rationalizing, pleading and badgering hasn't worked, so maybe putting some money on the table will do the trick.
Shoppers bound for TFN malls won't be making their way to town centre

Shoppers bound for TFN malls won't be making their way to town centre

Editor: Re: Malls will have positive impact on community, letter to the editor, Jan. 25 I really do not know how Gail Munro can come to the conclusion that the TFN malls will be good for business for anyone other than the TFN.
Federal politicians must look at big picture on new laws

Federal politicians must look at big picture on new laws

Our MP, Kerry-Lynne Findlay, recently spoke to the Delta Chamber of Commerce about pending federal legislation. While she spoke about a number of matters, I want to focus on one subject - the crime and punishment bills coming before parliament.
Transit lacking on this side of water

Transit lacking on this side of water

Editor: Re: Century plan offers opportunity to create a vibrant Main Street, letter to the editor, Jan. 27 I am so glad to hear about this opportunity for public input into street safety and public transit.
Farmland is the new gold

Farmland is the new gold

Editor: Re: Do as we say, not as we've done, Murphy's Law, Jan. 18 First, in the name of full disclosure and to prevent the usual racist slur that eventually is thrown out when one disagrees with First Nation plans, I am of aboriginal descent.
Malls won't bring more shoppers to local stores

Malls won't bring more shoppers to local stores

Editor: Re: Malls will have positive impact on community, letter to the editor, Jan.
Don't require 'orientation' to walk a dog

Don't require 'orientation' to walk a dog

Editor: My wife and I decided to go for a walk on Sunday. Our own dog had recently died so we thought, "don't waste a good walk, let's go to the local animal shelter and walk a couple of their dogs in the process.