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Sharing Southard's concern for TFN project

Sharing Southard's concern for TFN project

Editor: I was sorry to see that Dan Southard is putting down his pen as a columnist for the Optimist.
Port offers host of business opportunities

Port offers host of business opportunities

Editor: You, as well as I, are familiar surely with the old saw: The reason Jesus could not be born in Tsawwassen or Delta is simply because there would be great difficulty in finding Three Wise Men.
Don't let Via Rail cut services

Don't let Via Rail cut services

Editor: There was a recent article in the Vancouver Sun about Via Rail Canada's plan to cut services in the west. Please don't let them do it. I am 84 years old and my wife and I just returned from a trip from Vancouver to Winnipeg and back.
Heart disease is leading cause of death for women

Heart disease is leading cause of death for women

Editor: Heart disease and stroke will take one in three Canadians before their time, and is the leading cause of death for women - more than all cancers combined.
TFN projects will create facilities the wider community is lacking

TFN projects will create facilities the wider community is lacking

Editor: Although the thought of paving over farmland and replacing it with mall sprawl makes most of us wince and cringe, could the Tsawwassen First Nation's plans to develop two malls and residential housing be a blessing in disguise? The reality is
Only Delta is a fit for Paterson

Only Delta is a fit for Paterson

Let's face it, there's only one logical buyer for Kwantlen's half of Paterson Park. No, I don't mean Sean Hodgins. Or Ron Toigo.
Many have played a role in FSA tests losing their way

Many have played a role in FSA tests losing their way

If you have a child in grades 4 or 7, welcome to the FSA club. The FSA, or Foundation Skills Assessment, has been around for many years, with the most recent update being in 2008.
Make it legal

Make it legal

Editor: Re: Federal politicians must look at big picture on new laws, Community Comment, Feb. 3 Ian Robertson's column is right on target. Hazardous marijuana grow-operations are a direct result of marijuana prohibition.
Developments must be judged on their impact to our quality of life

Developments must be judged on their impact to our quality of life

Editor: What kind of legacy are we leaving for future generations? The impacts of growth, development and re-development affect everyone in Delta and surrounding communities.
Rookie councillor can't take credit for this one

Rookie councillor can't take credit for this one

Editor: Re: Rookie councillor quick to respond, letter to the editor, Feb. 3 Delta is indeed fortunate to have dedicated municipal staff who do their best to serve our community.